Drug Addiction Treatment Center the watershed addiction treatment programs The Watershed Addiction Treatment programs offering drug addiction treatment as well as alcohol addiction treatment. America's premier drug addiction treatment center 24 hour addiction treatment helpline at the watershed addiction treatment programs for drug addiction

Alcohol Detox Rehab

Defined as the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic drinks; the effects of alcohol abuse can be devastating and long lasting. Alcoholism affects millions of Americans throughout the nation each year. Often times a family history has been linked to alcoholism through genetics, causing family members to potentially be vulnerable to alcoholism. Often times, family members who have close relatives who are dealing with this disease, choose to avoid alcohol as adults. Unfortunately, some children follow the same path and begin abusing alcohol sometime within their lives.

Alcohol abuse can strike at any age and without consideration of ones social status. Many who think of alcoholism think of stereo types such as the college student, families with serious money problems, individuals with gambling addictions or even broken marriages. This is simply not the case. Alcoholism can effect teens, newlyweds, in-tact families with upper income levels or the seventy year old man who just lost his wife.

The Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse truly affects every aspect of an alcoholics life. Family, work, and social relationships as well as those around the abuser are affected. Many attribute the excessive use of alcohol to family conflicts, long term health problems, violence, unemployment, extramarital affairs and more.

There is no cure for alcohol abuse but there is treatment. Rehabilitation for alcoholism allows the abuser to take back their lives while identifying the "triggers" or addictive behaviors which allow them to fall prey to abusing alcohol. This treatment may include detox, psychological therapy, and supportive behavioral therapy which help with the long term success of overcoming alcohol abuse.

Treating Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol treatment affectively allows someone suffering from alcohol abuse to break the chain of their addiction. Treatment can teach the abuser about the addictive behaviors that can be a factors in their addiction. Treatment programs provide education, therapy and detoxification; which allow for higher success rates. Medically supervised rehabilitation facilities can assist with severe withdraw symptoms which can occur in a patient while detoxifying their body from alcohol.

The Watershed offers in-patient, out-patient, short-term and long-term treatment for alcoholism. Medical and psychiatric staff is available to ensure the detoxification process is safe and effective. With years of experience if treating patients suffering from alcoholism; the Watershed is dedicated to providing excellent addiction care at their JCAHO Gold Status facilities located in Florida and Texas. For more information on how The Watershed can help you or a family member suffering from alcohol abuse; contact us now to talk to a counselor about our alcohol treatment services.

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