Watershed Recovery Program

Women Addiction Treatment

At The Waterswomen addictionhed we understand the unique challenges that affect women..For many of us this disease has left our lives in shambles making it difficult to know what the next right step to take is. Often an experienced guide can provide invaluable support and direction along the way to overcome addiction.

The Watershed can care for you while we teach you how to rebuild your life and restore relationships with your family, your loved ones -but more importantly - with yourself (overcoming addiction)

We achieve this by providing professional, individualized and comprehensive treatment for women suffering the effects of alcohol and drug addiction. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our clients and their families and adapting our services to meet our patients' needs.

Our gender specific programs offer much more insite than trraditional therapy and counseling. Women's topics and featured speakers will give birth to a new way of life and empower you to fulfill your personal recovery dreams.

If you have any questions or just need someone to guide you along the way, please feel free to contact us at - 1-800-861-1768 at 24 hours a day.

A new way of life is just a phone call away. Call now. It's Time - Make A Change!

drug addiction treatment
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alcohol addiction treatment

drug addiction treatment center

alcohol addiction treatment
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