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Tag Archives: relapse |
Spirituality: Finding Faith In RecoveryResearch in the field of Neuroscience has shown that prayer of sorts can actually take the place that intoxicating substances did. This is not a new concept, the brains of monks and nuns have been […] Read More |
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Are you a Registered Nurse? Are you interested working in the substance abuse industry? #Careers http://t.co/F1S4OCur
Every person suffering from the disease of addiction deserves a chance at treatment.Meet Rebecca Alumni Program Manager http://t.co/4axmVtLg
Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back. -Babe Ruth #quote #Inspiration #Recovery #Addiction #Alcoholism
The philosophy at The Addiction Recovery Center is to blend continuous, intensive, & structured care with the proper support system. http://t.co/l21XHShv