Xanax: Effects and Addiction Treatment
Xanax Effects and Addiction Treatment
Xanax addiction is an increasing problem in America today. With recent trends in doctor shopping, pharmacy theft, and falsifying prescriptions more individuals are suffering from pharmaceutical drug addictions. Due to the addictive nature of these controlled substances, the war on drugs has evolved from our streets to our medicine cabinets.
The prescription drug Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a benzodiazepine used to treat panic disorder and anxiety attacks. When used correctly, this drug can be extremely beneficial. By promoting action from neurotransmitters in the brain, Xanax produces a calming effect through out the body. The calming effect sparks dopamine, which is the bodys gratification hormone and the same hormone that other illegal drugs activate.
Similar to street drugs like heroin, the euphoric alleviating result of Xanax is extremely addictive and can be very dangerous. Xanax addiction occurs when an individual keeps taking the drug long after their anxiety has been relieved. They become dependent on the drug and they need more of it to produce the same effect.
Some of the warning signs that your loved one is abusing the prescription drug xanax include:
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Slurred speech
- Dry mouth
- Short-term memory problems
- Tremors
- Rage, aggression and hostility
When Xanax is taken for a period of time and then stopped, withdrawal symptoms can lead to seizures. With out the help of a detox facility, seizures from Xanax withdrawal can result in death. Obviously, this is not the kind of drug you can detox from by yourself. Individuals abusing benzos find it difficult to live with out them.
That combined with the fact that Xanax withdrawal symptoms can be extremely painful and in some cases deadly, it is difficult to kick this habit alone. Stopping any pharmaceutical drug abruptly is never recommended. A person abusing benzodiazepines should be gradually weaned off by a medical professional. Its only after detoxification that an individual can then be treated for the psychological aspect of their addiction. Xanax rehabs provide a safe medical detox along with residential treatment programs for those struggling with addiction.
The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs has successfully helped thousands of individuals suffering from Xanax addiction. If you suspect that someone you love is abusing Xanax, our detox and inpatient treatment programs at The Addiction Recovery Center can help. We provide a safe medical detox, where you or your loved one is gradually tapered off Xanax and safely monitored by medical doctors and nurses.
Following the detoxification process, your loved one will complete an intensive residential treatment plan to treat the psychological effects of their addiction. During this time your loved one will see a psychiatrist, participate in group therapy, and work with a counselor who understands what Xanax addiction is really about.
In residential treatment, your loved one will learn how to cope with feelings and emotions, they will deal with any trauma or grief issues, and they will learn how to prevent relapse. After the inpatient portion of the Xanax treatment plan, your loved one will be encouraged to participate in an Intensive Outpatient Program. By this time, your loved one will be re-integrating into society, but still attending group therapy meetings in the evenings. The groups will help your loved one learn how to live a normal life free from Xanax addiction.
If you or someone you love is addicted to Xanax, please call The Watershed Addiction Treatment Programs 24 hour Helpline: 1-888-510-2481.
The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs
24 hour Helpline:
“Its never too late to call.”

Treating the AddictTreating the Family
At The Addiction Recovery Center we often refer to the addict as the identified patient, but addiction is a family disease. In order to successfully treat the addict, we must treat the family. That is why we offer a family program to restore a healthy family dynamic and begin healing codependent relationships.
The family program includes interactive sessions with a therapist via phone, in person and during our family weekend programs. During this time, families will be invited to The Addiction Recovery Center in order to receive therapy for the damage addiction has done to them and their relationships.
In addition to the education and therapy that significant others receive, they attend meetings and both group and individual therapy with the addict in treatment. We give everyone the opportunity to address issues that have developed through the family addiction process and begin the family recovery process.