The Addiction Recovery Center: Treatment Programs
Quitting an addiction to prescription pain killers, drugs, or alcohol cold turkey and without medical assistance poses significant dangers to your health and can result in severe medical repercussions. In order to avoid serious consequences and the pain of withdrawal, The Addiction Recovery Center administers a safe, medical detox program designed to release you from the physical grasp of your addiction to alcohol or drugs as comfortably as possible.
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Inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation can help you learn how to permanently change destructive behavior. At The Addiction Recovery Centers inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center, clients are also taught how to avoid relapse, thereby making it possible for them to lead a new life without their addiction(s).
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We treat all of our clients with dignity and respect while helping them successfully transition from treatment back to their community. Through The Addiction Recovery Centers programs, alcoholics and addicts will not only learn how to abstain from mind-altering substances, but learn to do so in environments that are safe, welcoming, respectful, and empowering.
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Our goal is to bring patients back into society, enabling them to learn to live again. Patients in this phase of treatment are given more independence and responsibility.
As a step down from the Residential program, the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides on-going therapeutic intensity and structure for continued recovery.
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Patients who have progressed in their recovery efforts in the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), will transition into the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). While continuing to live at The Addiction Recovery Center Apartments, they have the ability to work or go to school during the day, and attend therapy groups in the evenings.
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Apartment Halfway House is an integral part of our successful continuing care plan. Living in a supportive and structured environment such as a Sober Living Halfway House has proven to be the element that enables individuals to embrace the process of recovery.
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The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs are “Gold Seal” accredited through The Joint Commission. The Addiction Recovery Center is licensed by The State of Florida (FL) Department of Children and Families to perform addiction and substance abuse detoxification for alcohol addiction, drug addiction, drug treatment, alcohol rehabilitation, and drug rehab levels of treatment with intensive inpatient residential drug and alcohol rehab, as well as prevention services.
What a Patient Said
My transition off of methadone was barely noticeable. I feel this is very important as it allows the patient to work on their recovery much sooner. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Because so many of them were in recovery themselves, their empathy gave them great insight to our problems. I especially liked it when a staff member would speak before the group. —Tim—
Chemical Dependency
Our center is dedicated to providing you a therapeutic environment that meets your individual needs. We promise to care for you and treat you with dignity as you heal your heart, mind and soul. Our facilities offer the level of treatment necessary to treat your dependency. These levels of treatment include: