South Carolina SC Drug Rehab
SC Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Centers South Carolina
SC Drug Rehab
South Carolina is no exception to the country-wide epidemic of drug use and abuse. Recent data from law enforcement shows that drug cartels in the area have become very organized and every type of illicit drug is now available in the State of South Carolina. Due to the extended coastline, large tourist industry, a multitude of highways, and an increasing Hispanic workforce are all thought be significant reasons for amplified drug trafficking problems in South Carolina. Drug seizures indicate that the state is a major hub for trafficking drugs to the northeastern United States and even across the border to Canada. Despite increased attention to drug trafficking in recent years, recent seizures indicate that the flow of illegal substances has not been significantly impacted.
South Carolina Alcohol Rehab
Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a disease that affects an individual’s mind, body, and spirit. This addiction can rob an individual of their health, family, finances, career, and friends. Alcohol is physically addictive and when an individual makes the decision to end their addiction, it is important that qualified professional medical personnel are involved so dangerous health repercussions do not occur. The first step of alcohol treatment is the alcohol detox program. The purpose and focus of the detox program is to safely purge the patient’s system of alcohol and avoid severe withdrawal symptoms.
Cocaine Abuse and Addiction Treatment Centers
Cocaine is readily available throughout the State of South Carolina. The majority of the cocaine is brought in from Chicago, Illinois; Georgia, Florida, and Texas. The Mexican drug cartel dominates cocaine trafficking in the area and operates smuggling rings via land, sea, and air.
The smuggled cocaine is commonly converted to crack. Most inner cities have cocaine addicts, but the majority of cocaine addicts in South Carolina are found around the coastal cities and in the Columbia vicinity. The cocaine trade has been associated with street gangs, violence, crime, thefts, and poverty and poses a significant threat to inhabitants of the coast.
For information concerning cocaine addiction treatment and finding the right alcohol rehab or drug treatment center for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) for help or visit us at
Heroin usage has increased steadily over the past two decades. Even with the increasing drug purity, low price, and available, the usage of this drug has not increased. However, local health authorities have seen a flood of overdoses due to this drug. Small amounts of heroin are available in the major inner cities in South Carolina. This drug is smuggled in from New York, New Jersey, and Mexico.
For information concerning heroin addiction treatment and finding the right South Carolina treatment center for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs at 1-888-510-2481 or visit
The methamphetamine trafficking and use has declined in the State of South Carolina over the past decade; however, it still exists. The major source of methamphetamine is smuggled in by the Mexican drug cartel who utilizes migrant workers as distributors across the state. The major sources of methamphetamine comes from Chicago, Illinois; Florida, Texas, California, and Georgia.
In addition to meth being smuggled into the area, meth laboratories are located in the State of South Carolina as well as other states throughout the country. The law banning the use of ephedrine has minimized the number of meth labs in operation.
Club Drugs
There has been a major increase in the use of club drugs (also referred to as synthetic drugs) in the State of South Carolina. These drugs are known for their hallucinogenic and psychedelic properties.
These drugs consist of the following: gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (commonly known as GHB); d-lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD); Ketamine (commonly known as Special K); and MDMA (which is the active ingredient in Ecstasy).
These drugs are smuggled into the area from New York, California, Texas, and across the border from Canada. However, it appears that Atlanta, Georgia as become a significant hub for MDMA distribution into South Carolina. Moderate supplies of club drugs have been found at a majority of colleges and universities in the state.
Pharmaceutical Diversion
The abuse of prescription drugs is on the rise in the State of South Carolina. Oxycotin is the number one prescription drug abused. Other commonly abused pharmaceutical drugs include: Hydrocodone, Methadone, Diazepam, Lortab and Xanax.
The pharmaceutical drugs are obtained by forged prescriptions, patients obtaining prescriptions from more than one doctor (referred to as “doctor shopping”), pharmacy break-ins, and the internet. Some of these drugs are smuggled into the area from cities along the southwestern border of the United States and from Mexico. Another source of pharmaceutical drugs is from pain management clinics located in all the major cities which prescribe narcotics to addicts.