Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal & How to Treat Alcoholism Effectively
If you know someone who has struggled with alcoholism, then you may be familiar with some of the unpleasant signs of alcohol withdrawal. These withdrawal symptoms occur when the alcoholic abruptly stops drinking or doesn’t have enough alcohol in their system. Alcoholism is a complex disease that sometimes not even the alcoholic can fully understand, but it’s important to learn as much as possible about the condition to help create awareness and share the best treatments available.
Understanding Alcoholism & Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal
Alcoholism can make an alcoholic act like a person they are not. An addiction to alcohol can leave an alcoholic in financial distress or legal trouble. It can even negatively impact relationships with the alcoholic’s significant other, children, parents, friends, etc. There are many signs that can indicate whether or not a person is suffering from alcoholism. Some of these signs may include having the need for alcohol on a regular basis, obsessing about consuming alcohol or when to consume it next, requiring more alcohol in order to feel the same effects of the substance, drinking in the morning and/or throughout the day, stealing to purchase alcohol, lying to loved ones about having consumed alcohol, etc.
Not only are there signs of alcoholism, but there are also many signs of alcohol withdrawal. A withdrawal from alcohol happens when the alcoholic hasn’t consumed alcohol after ingesting alcohol for an extended period of time. This may happen if the alcoholic runs out of alcohol in the use, tries to quit drinking on their own, etc. Some common signs of alcohol withdrawal include restlessness, sickness, sweating, seizures, loss of appetite, shakiness, agitation, anxiety, etc.
Importance of Treatment for Alcoholism
While it is possible to recover from alcoholism in other ways aside from treatment, it can still be dangerous to detox by yourself at home. This is because alcohol is a physically and psychologically addicting substance. Without going to a medical detox, the withdrawal period may be so uncomfortable that it pushes an alcoholic to pick up a drink. In addition to this, the signs of alcohol withdrawal also include seizures, which can be extremely dangerous, especially if they happen when the alcoholic is alone. At a medical detox, however, an alcoholic can receive critical medical attention and the detox period can be made as comfortable as possible considering the circumstance.
A medical detoxification is not the only necessary portion of treatment for alcoholism though. It is critical that an alcoholic receive inpatient treatment as well because otherwise, the only treatment that occurred was the detoxification period. An alcoholic must learn new coping mechanisms so that they don’t return back to drinking alcohol. They must develop and use tools to combat cravings, triggers, and daily stress. Even with a medical detox and inpatient rehab, an alcoholic must realize that their sobriety will take continual work in order for it to be maintained.
Are you ready to make the change in your life? Alcoholism can be deadly, but it doesn’t have to be. You can recover, and The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs can help. With our comprehensive care that begins with a medical detox and inpatient rehab, we can help you begin recovery. Contact The Addiction Recovery Center today and start living your new life. Call The Addiction Recovery Center at 1-888-510-2481.
Tags: alcohol, alcohol treatment, Alcoholism, withdrawals