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RGIII & Team Competes With Giants & Drunk Redskins Fans On Twitter

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Alcoholism can rear its ugly head almost anywhere. It can be hidden from plain sight in the most inconspicuous of public places, subtly increasing its grip on hapless, helpless and willing victims. Sporting events, like football, are a perfect camouflage for alcoholics to blend in with other drinkers and imbibe their spirits as they collectively cheer or jeer for their favorite team. Ironically, the people who usually get arrested at public sporting events are not the ones who need an alcohol rehab; they just need more self control and to take personal responsibility. This past Monday Night Football match up featuring the Washington Redskins beating the New York Giants also had a tertiary showcase: local police highlighting arrests of drunken Redskins fans on Twitter.

Fans Getting More Media Than RGIII?

Robert Griffin III, or RGIII, has garnered a lot of media attention since he has helped the Washington Redskins rise from the ashes of mediocrity and sports obscurity. Needless to say that social media has experienced a field day with RGIII mania, and this phenomenon has translated easily into celebratory Redskin fans on Twitter proclaiming some of the best sports news in the nation’s capital since the Washington Nationals went to the National League Championship Series in Major League Baseball. RGIII mania was on the national stage for Monday Night Football, and the local law enforcement agency made sure that the fervor and excitement did not get too out of hand. When it did, they took the necessary precautions: reporting drunken Redskins fans on Twitter, specifically, the Twitter account facilitated by Maryland’s Prince Georges County’s police. The RGIII and the rest of the Washington Redskins play their home games in Landover, Maryland, and the area police made sure that national media attention was not only on the winning efforts of RGIII, but also on the state of the fans, live tweeting arrests and even posting pictures on their Twitter site to their 4,000 plus followers.

Twitter Interventions For Alcoholics?

Talk about public accountability. Hopefully, if any of those Twitter worthy arrests need some type of drug treatment center or alcohol rehab, then their public testimony of a drinking problem should induce some interventions. RGIII and his team may have less active followers after the documenting arrests of Redskins fans on Twitter on Monday. The home team did win, but so did the need for raising awareness for addiction recovery. After seeing some deplorable pictures posted on a police Twitter account, hopefully people will take it seriously and ask the difficult question about getting the right kind of help.

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