The Addiction Recovery Center: Admissions Information
Admission Information at The Addiction Recovery Center
You have just made a very important decision – one that will affect the rest of your life. In order to arrive prepared and know what to expect, The Addiction Recovery Center has compiled the following information that will be helpful in planning for your treatment experience.
Patient Rights
The Addiction Recovery Center believes in respectful treatment of patients, family members, and staff while providing a safe and supportive environment. The Addiction Recovery Center provides a system to ensure that the patients’ and family members’ rights are preserved and protected. These rights are outlined in the patient handbook given to you upon admission.
The Addiction Recovery Center’s commitment to each patient’s confidentiality is ensured by our legal responsibility, as mandated by state and federal law. Each staff member is dedicated to upholding these standards in all communications and records.
What to Bring
- Dress for therapy should be casual and in good taste. Clothing that depicts alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, gambling, sports teams, or any clothing deemed inappropriate by staff is not allowed.
- Appropriate attire includes: jeans, casual slacks, sport-shirts, skirts and dresses that are knee-length or longer, jogging suits, and appropriate-length shorts such as Bermuda/walking shorts (covering 3/4 of the thigh).
- Swimwear, sportswear, open shirts, etc. are allowed only for recreational and fitness activities and are considered inappropriate for therapy, meals, or meetings. Please do not bring form-fitting clothing, including Lycra tights or biking or running shorts. No low-cut tops, blouses with spaghetti straps, or tank tops. Bare midriffs are unacceptable. Jeans and clothing must not have suggestive tears or cutouts.
- Bathing suits for women should be appropriate. No high cut legs, thongs, or revealing tops.
- Bathing suits for men must be the boxer-type.
- Undergarments are required for all patients, (i.e., bras, underwear, and athletic supporters), as indicated.
- Lightweight jackets and sweaters are recommended for eveningwear year-round. A heavier coat or jacket is recommended for winter months.
- Flat-soled or tennis shoes are recommended. Shoes and/or slippers must be worn outside your room.

We recommend that you bring a limited amount of clothing (limit 2 suitcases and 1 carry-on). Laundry facilities, including supplies, are available for patient use. Irons and ironing boards are accessible, but we suggest that wash-and-wear clothing will be more convenient. Dry cleaning services are not available.
*Determination of inappropriate attire will be at staff discretion.
Items found to be inappropriate will be shipped home at your expense.
Other items:
- Insurance card and identification (Driver’s License, State issued ID)
- Pre-paid Telephone Calling Card
- Living will or healthcare Power of Attorney
- If you smoke cigarettes, please bring your own (a carton, etc.)
- Sunglasses and hat or visor (to be worn outside only)
- Reading material is limited to recovery-related topics. All books are subject for review by the patient’s primary therapist.
- Any electrical items, such as hair dryers, curling irons, or electric shavers will be checked for safety.
What to Leave at Home
Upon admission, our staff will examine you and check your belongings. A search of your belongings is done to protect our patients from drugs or contraband entering the facility. Please do not bring the following:
- Non-prescription medications (i.e., Advil, Tylenol, etc.), vitamins, herbs, or nutritional supplements.
- Excessive or expensive jewelry.
- Radio, tape recorder/CD player, iPod, cassette tapes, TV, cellular phone( we recommend using your cell phone during your travel to us, but it will be secured in our safe with any other valuables upon admission.), laptop, electronic address book, PDA, audio/video equipment, or camera.
- Exercise equipment, craft materials, musical instruments, or irons.
- Reading material not related to recovery. Novels, magazines, or publications may not be brought in. Books relevant to treatment will be assessed upon arrival.
- Shoe polish, soap, detergent, or bleach.
- Glass items.
- Straight razors, razorblades, pocketknives, knitting needles, crochet hooks, or metal hairpieces.
- Aerosol products, including deodorant and hairspray.
- Suntan oils or baby oils (substitute with lotions).
- Products containing alcohol (i.e., mouthwash, aftershave, facial toner, perfume, perfumed lotions, etc.).
- Food, chewing gum, breath-mints, candy of any kind, sugar, or artificial sweeteners.
- Illegal substances or mood-altering drugs.
- Firearms and/or supplies.
- Clothing that depicts alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, gambling, or any clothing deemed inappropriate by staff. No bare midriffs, low-cut tops, form-fitting clothing (including Lycra tights or running or biking shorts). Jeans and clothing must not have suggestive tears or cutouts.
Prescription medications other than a 3-day supply will be returned upon discharge. However, all controlled substances will be destroyed unless the prescription is ordered by a physician at The Addiction Recovery Center. It is recommended that you secure any valuables not in your immediate possession. A safe is provided for this purpose. The Addiction Recovery Center staff cannot be responsible for your valuables.
It is important that you advise your Intake representative of all medications you are currently taking. Include the name of the medication, the dosage and frequency administered, as well as the name of the physician who prescribed the medication. Please bring only a 3-day supply of the medication in the appropriately labeled prescription bottle.
If you are taking medications for HIV, organ rejection, cancer, or other special medications, please bring them with you in the appropriately labeled prescription bottle.
Remaining medication will be returned upon discharge. Controlled substances will be destroyed, except with a written order by one of The Addiction Recovery Centers physicians. Each patient’s attending physician will manage medication through The Addiction Recovery Center’s pharmacy supply. Please do not bring over-the-counter medications (i.e., Advil, Tylenol, etc.), vitamins, herbs, or nutritional supplements.
Tobacco Use
The policy of The Addiction Recovery Center is to not deny a patient’s entry into treatment because of the use of nicotine, but to address this as an addiction. During Intake, patients will be told of our goal to support them in becoming nicotine-free. However, for those who do smoke, there are certain limited designated areas, outside only, where smoking is permitted.
Patients may have visitation on Sundays and designated holidays after they have met with their primary therapist and appropriate visitors have been authorized. Visitors are required to check in at the main reception desk upon arrival and must follow the guidelines for appropriate attire. Guests are asked to not bring any food, candy, soda, gifts, magazines, etc. to any patient, and all packages will be checked.
In order to ensure confidentiality, cameras and picture-taking are not permitted on the grounds of The Addiction Recovery Center.
Visitors must be approved by the patient’s therapist before being granted access. Visiting hours are every Sunday from 1-4pm. From 1-2pm, visitors must attend the family group. It is a process group as well as a place to get information about the program and all visitors must attend every time they visit.
In order to ensure a therapeutic environment, patients are encouraged to make phone calls only after the first 3 days of treatment. Upon admission, patients are allowed to call (under nursing supervision) one (1) person (preferably a significant other) to confirm their safe arrival.
Telephones are available during certain hours each day.
Mail should be sent to the following address:
Patient’s Name
c/o The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs
200 Congress Park Drive, Suite 100
Delray Beach, Florida 33445
No mail order packages will be delivered to patients while they are in treatment unless authorized by their primary therapist.
Travel Arrangements

For your convenience, The Addiction Recovery Center has established an independent, on-site Travel Department to assist patients and family members in making their plans. The travel personnel of this department are sensitive to your needs and are familiar with several transportation options. They work directly with our Intake representatives to coordinate arrival times and make any necessary travel arrangement modifications.
If traveling by plane, bus, or train, a representative of The Addiction Recovery Center will meet you at the gate when you disembark. In order to know for whom to look, you will be asked for your physical description.
Family Program
The Family Program at The Addiction Recovery Center is designed to create a recovery foundation for you and your family or significant others. This program aims to expand self-awareness and knowledge of family dynamics as well as increase communication skills. This process introduces family members to a variety of self-care tools and provides resources for continuing care.
During the Intake process, you will complete an Invitation List for the Family Program so that your family/significant others can be contacted and provided with program information. A family therapist will contact your family member(s) when the list is finalized after your arrival. It is necessary that loved ones planning to attend confirm their plans no later than the Monday prior to the beginning of the Family Program.
Please bring addresses and phone numbers for all family members/significant others whom you wish to invite to the Family Program.
We hope the preceding information answers any questions you might have. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call the Intake Department at: 1-888-510-2481
We look forward to welcoming you into The Addiction Recovery Center’s ever-growing family!
The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs
24 hour Helpline:
“Its never too late to call.”
What Some of Our Alumni Say
“I was at Boynton on March the 18. It was a wonderful experience because I have been sober ever since then. I live in North Carolina and for my one year I am going to come back to The Addiction Recovery Center. Thanks for everything you have done for me. Life is good.”
“I hear other people talking about their treatment and they didn’t have nearly the support and expertise that The Addiction Recovery Center gives its patients. I felt very privileged to see a Psychiatrist, who is also certified in addictions, everyday. The medical services work-up and follow-up were fantastic, not to mention the consult I had with the Dietician and the chefs that prepared our meals! WOW!! I felt that the Watershed staff took very good care of me during my detox period and made it much easier and safer with detox medications.”
“When I was at The Addiction Recovery Center, I learned so much about this rotten disease that I think I can finally live life with out it! I actually miss that place. I’m glad that I have the alumni list to try and keep in touch with guys that were there when I was there.
“As I approach my 1 year anniversary, I find myself trying to dig deeper. The 1st year was about getting through the first year. Now that Im entering my second year, I want to enlighten myself as much as possible and help people who were where I was last year. The mind is a funny thing, it can convince you to do or not to do anything. It actually rationalizes this disease. I dont think Ill ever understand that part, I always thought I was smart enough to see something like this coming. Thats where my faith has to step in, where logic is lost. I would like to give back what was graciously given to me!”