Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead From Apparent Overdose
Once upon a time, Philip Seymour Hoffman had 23 years clean and sober, until his relapse in 2012. His relapse led him to rehab in May of 2013, for ten days. The news of Hoffman’s death just goes to show that the disease of addiction doesn’t care who you are or what you do. Hoffman had a taste of the good life, and who knows the reason for his relapse; but thinking that you can drink or use just one more time can be your last. Philip Seymour Hoffman Found With Needle In His ArmThe news of Philip Seymour Hoffman dead at the young age of 46 is heartbreaking. The Academy Award winning actor originally had gotten clean and sober at the age of 22 until he relapsed on prescription pills in 2012, which then led to Hoffman returning to Heroin. The man who found Philip dead was allegedly working on a project with the actor and knew something was wrong when he couldn’t get ahold of him. Sunday morning, Hoffman’s friend, David Bar Katz (screenwriter), reportedly found him on the bathroom floor, already deceased with the needle still in his forearm. Bar Katz reportedly saw Hoffman about a week ago, and stated that Philip was clean and sober, and his old self; although neighbors reported that this past week, Hoffman has been looking ill and disheveled. Bar Katz expressed that he had thought that this “chapter” in Hoffman’s life was really over. Also discovered at the scene were "several" bags of heroin – used and unused. What was once five bags of heroin found turned into fifty bags of heroin found after authorities took a look around Hoffman’s Manhatten apartment; along with five empty bags in his trash can, 20 discarded syringes, a number of unused needles, and a charred spoon in the kitchen sink. NYC authorities explained how it was clearly a drug overdose, and that he was planning on going on a long-term heroin binge. Philip Hoffman Dead But Could Have Been PreventedThere is one theory that makes sense about Hoffman’s supposed drug overdose death on Sunday morning: the lethal combination of heroin and fentanyl, which is currently being blamed for almost a hundred deaths on the east coast in just the past few months. Authorities stated that the easiest way to tell the difference between heroin and the lethal heroin combo is that the lethal combo is white (heroin usually had a tint of yellow to it). A drug overdose is always an unnecessary death and can easily be prevented. A friend found Philip Seymour Hoffman dead; the feeling and memory of that event will never fully disappear. Of course there is grieving, but there is also the confusion of friends and loved ones who are left to wonder, “Why?” The disease of addiction is so insidious, that if it is not tamed with some sort of solution, it will taunt you until you become powerless over the drugs and alcohol once again. Getting help throught a substance abuse treatment center is one of the first things you should do for the solution to quit using drugs and drinking, but rehab seems highly frowned upon in society today. Getting Treatment For Drug and Alcohol Abuse One of the many significant obstacles that keeps people from getting help for their addiction, is the stigma associated with addiction and recovery in much of our society. When reading about Hoffman’s death, you might run across this article, titled: “KIDS GRIEVE FOR JUNKIE ACTOR DAD.” Who wants to be known as a Junkie? Or worse, Junkie parent? The stigma that is held against addiction is slowly becoming less aggressive, but the first step to changing the way people look at addiction is by changing the way people speak about it. If you or someone you know is struggling with the disease of addiction, call 800-853-1614 now. UPDATE: It’s been reported by TMZ that Philip had been on a heroin binge for as long as 6 weeks before he died; as much as he tried to stop and go back to Alcoholics Anonymous (where he was sober for 23 years and known as a "guru") he just couldn’t kick his habit. Someone close to him asked Philip how bad his problem with heroin was, and Philip responded, "If I don’t stop I know I’m going to die." Before Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead, he was seen on January 30 (just three days prior to his death) drinking in a bar in Atlanta, and taking quite a few suspicious trips to the bathroom. The last person who saw Hoffman alive was the mother of his kids, Mimi O’Donnell, on Saturday; Mimi decribed Philip to the police as "high." The NYPD are currently investigating and examining Philip’s cell phone, attempting to find out just who sold Hoffman the lethal coctail of heroin.
Posted in Blog, Industry News
Tagged celebrity deaths, celebrity news, celebrity overdose, drug overdose death, fentanyl, heroin overdose, Philip Hoffman, Philip Seymour Hoffman
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