Alcohol Treatment and Drug Treatment New Mexico (NM)
New Mexico Drug Rehab

The location of New Mexico, in its proximity to Mexico, as well as its thinly populated areas, makes the State of New Mexico a haven for shipment of illegal drugs across the Mexican border to the interior of the United States.
Most of the New Mexico/Mexico border is open arid desert and generally isolated which allows for easy drug trafficking. The low availability of law enforcement to control the New Mexico/Mexico border is an additional factor to the ease of trafficking. However, new immigration policies and the strengthening of the border patrols has made a significant impact on drug trafficking but the cost has been enormous.
The drug trade is extremely financially profitable; drug proceeds are difficult to trace and seize, especially since money laundering is common in the drug trafficking business. The State of New Mexico government routinely conducts investigations to identify and seize assets acquired from drug smuggling operations which is a major deterrent to drug traffickers.
Cocaine Addiction and Drug Treatment New Mexico
The State of New Mexico is no different from the majority of other states when it comes to the number of individuals addicted to cocaine or crack cocaine. Cocaine is transported through the State of New Mexico at an alarming rate. The El Paso/Juarez corridor serves as a smuggling point for cocaine. Cocaine is readily available for local distribution throughout the area. The majority of powder cocaine is converted to crack cocaine. Crack cocaine use and abuse is very high in the smaller municipalities in the area.
Law enforcement authorities and hospitals consistently rank cocaine as a major problem and found to affect all social and economic levels of society. Cocaine use has been related to gang violence, crime, thefts, and inner city poverty.
For information concerning cocaine addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) for help or visit us at
Heroin Addiction
Mexican black tar and brown heroin is found and routinely seized in the State of New Mexico. Black tar heroin has been available for a long time in the area, is widely available, and widely abused. The heroin is usually carried across the Mexican border into New Mexico. Attempts by local law enforcement to end the smuggling have resulted in numerous arrests but the drug smuggling continues unabated.
Alcohol Rehab New Mexico
Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a physical addiction that affects an individuals mind, body, and spirit. Alcoholism can rob an individual of their health, family, finances, career, friends, and even their life. Since alcohol is physically addictive, it is important for an individual wishing to end their addiction to do so under proper medical supervision in order to prevent dangerous health repercussions.
It is important to find the best alcohol rehab in New Mexico that fits your needs. If you have questions or trouble making a decision about the best New Mexico addiction treatment center for you please contact The Addiction Recovery Center. Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at for assistance and allow us locate a rehabilitation program that will make a difference in your life.
Methamphetamine Addiction
Methamphetamine is the most used and abused drug in the State of New Mexico. This drug is widely available because of smuggling in the area from Mexico. Local meth labs do exist in New Mexico due to the vast rural areas. The major meth trade is controlled by Mexicans.

Club Drugs and New Mexico Addiction Treatment
Party drugs, or synthetic drugs, are known for their hallucinogenic and psychedelic properties. All types of club drugs are available in the State of New Mexico. These drugs consist of the following: gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (commonly known as GHB); d-lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD); Ketamine; and andethylenedioxymethamphatimine (commonly referred to as MDMA which is the active ingredient in Ecstasy). These drugs are commonly found at night clubs and rave parties in the area and law enforcement continually infiltrates such parties in an attempt to arrest major drug traffickers. The majority of club drugs are smuggled into the area from Mexico, though some of the party drugs are brought into the area from California and Texas.
For information concerning party drug addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit
Prescription Drugs and Drug Treatment New Mexico
The use and abuse of prescription drugs in the State of New Mexico is a significant problem. The most widely abused drugs include Hydrocodone, Oxycontin, Valium, Methadone, Fentanyl, Soma, Vicodin and Percocet. These pharmaceutical drugs are obtained by forged prescriptions; patients getting prescriptions from more than one doctor (referred to as doctor shopping); pharmacy break-ins; and from the internet. Because of the lucrative drug trade in the area, fake drugs from Mexico have also infiltrated the market making the prescription drug abuse problem worse. Due to the State of New Mexico experiencing a severe shortage of physicians, prescription writing permission has been given to physicians from other states as well as granted to psychologists that do not have medical or pharmaceutical training again making the prescription drug abuse in the area worse.
Alcohol Rehab New Mexico
Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a physical addiction that affects an individuals mind, body, and spirit. Alcoholism can rob an individual of their health, family, finances, career, friends, and even their life. Since alcohol is physically addictive, it is important for an individual wishing to end their addiction to do so under proper medical supervision in order to prevent dangerous health repercussions.
It is important to find the best alcohol rehab in New Mexico that fits your needs. If you have questions or trouble making a decision about the best New Mexico addiction treatment center for you please contact The Addiction Recovery Center. Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at for assistance and allow us locate a rehabilitation program that will make a difference in your life.
Alcohol Rehab New Mexico and Drug Treatment New Mexico by City:
- Alamogordo NM Alcohol Treatment Center – 88310, 88311
- Albuquerque NM Drug Rehab – 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87115, 87116, 87118, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87140, 87153 ,87154, 87158, 87176, 87180, 87181, 87184, 87185, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87195, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199, 87201
- Artesia NM Drug Treatment Program – 88210, 88211
- Belen NM Alcohol Rehab – 87002
- Buckhorn NM Addiction Treatment – 88025
- Carlsbad NM Drug Rehab Facility – 88220, 88221
- Clovis NM Alcohol Treatment Program – 88101, 88102
- Deming NM Substance Abuse – 88030, 88031
- Espanola NM Drug Treatment Center – 87532, 87533
- Farmington NM Alcohol Rehab Facility – 87401, 87402, 87499
- Gallup NM Alcohol Treatment Center – 87301, 87302, 87305
- Hobbs NM Drug Rehab – 88240, 88241, 88242, 88244
- Isleta NM Drug Treatment Program – 87022
- Jemez Springs NM Alcohol Rehab – 87025
- Kirtland NM Addiction Treatment – 87417
- Las Cruces NM Drug Rehab Facility – 88001, 88003, 88004, 88005, 88006, 88011, 88012
- Los Alamos NM Alcohol Treatment Program – 87544, 87545
- Magdalena NM Substance Abuse – 87825
- Mount Dora NM Drug Treatment Center – 88429
- Nara Visa NM Alcohol Rehab Facility – 88430
- Ojo Caliente NM Alcohol Treatment Center – 87549
- Ponderosa NM Drug Rehab – 87044
- Quemado NM Drug Treatment Program – 87829
- Rio Rancho NM Alcohol Rehab – 87124, 87174
- Roswell NM Addiction Treatment – 88201, 88202
- Ruidoso NM Drug Rehab Facility – 88345, 88355
- Santa Fe NM Alcohol Treatment Program – 87501, 87502, 87503, 87504, 87505, 87506, 87509, 87592, 87594
- Silver City NM Substance Abuse – 88061, 88062
- Taos NM Drug Treatment Center – 87571
- Truth or Consequences NM Alcohol Rehab Facility – 87901
- Ute Park NM Alcohol Treatment Center – 87749
- Villanueva NM Drug Rehab – 87583
- Williamsburg NM Drug Treatment Program – 87942
- Zuni NM Alcohol Rehab – 87327
Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at for assistance and allow us to locate a rehabilitation program that will make a difference in your life.
Drug and Alcohol treatment Center Information
We will teach you how to find recovery from the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction. We are here to help you get sober and stay sober.
Drug Abuse and Alcoholism are diseases that affect every city, town and county in America; it affects teens, adults, males, females, and families. Alcohol and drug treatment can save your life!
The Addiction Recovery Center can help you with:
- Alcohol Addiction
- Drug Abuse
- Alcohol Treatment
- Alcohol Detox
- Alcohol Rehab
- Alcoholism
- Drug Addiction
- Drug Rehab
- Drug Addiction Treatment
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Drug Detox
- Teen drug Abuse
- Co-Occurring disorder treatment
- Dual Diagnosis
- Opiates Detox
- Prescription Drug Abuse