Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab in New Hampshire (NH)
New Hampshire Drug Rehabilitation and Addiction Treatment

Crack cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine are readily available in the State of New Hampshire. Marijuana is grown in the area and is easily the most abused drug. Methamphetamine abuse is also commonly found, mostly along the coastline cities. These drugs are smuggled into the area via land, sea, or air.
The State of New Hampshire, like most other eastern states, has not made progress in their drug laws. Rather than ordering drug addicts to complete drug treatment in New Hampshire, addicts are instead incarcerated as a way of drug treatment. This method of so-called drug treatment costs millions of dollars per year and is funded by the tax payers of the state.
The DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams have been working to counteract the overwhelming problems of drug-related violent crime in Manchester and other New Hampshire cities. In addition, DEA Regional Enforcement Teams have been developed to augment existing DEA resources in areas where there is an insufficient amount of local drug enforcement.
Cocaine Abuse and New Hampshire Addiction Treatment
The State of New Hampshire is no different from the majority of other states when it comes to cocaine or crack cocaine addiction. Crack cocaine is widely available. The majority of cocaine is smuggled in from Illinois, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and other southern states. The cocaine is primarily converted to crack and sold on the street. Inner cities have a population of cocaine addicts, but numbers have remained stable over the past decade. The cocaine trade has caused problems with street gangs, violence, crime, thefts, and inner city poverty.
It has branched out from the populated metropolitan areas of the state to smaller cities and rural locations. Due to the infiltration of crack, and its affordability, it poses a significant problem.
For information concerning cocaine addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) for help, or visit us at
Heroin Abuse and Drug Treatment New Hampshire
Heroin use and abuse has increased steadily over the past 2 decades in the State of New Hampshire. Both Mexican and Southeastern variety of heroin is found in many of the inner cities due to its purity, low price and availability. The majority of heroin is smuggled into the area from New York City and Boston, Massachusetts.
For information concerning heroin addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit

Methamphetamine Abuse and New Hampshire Addiction Treatment
Methamphetamine use and abuse has increased significantly over the past two decades in the State of New Hampshire. This drug is widely available, especially along the coastal region. Meth is smuggled into the area from Mexico and Columbia.
There has been a decline in local meth labs since the State limited the availability of ephedrine – a major ingredient needed to produce meth; however, they still exist. These laboratories are located in rural, off-the-beaten-track locations due to the powerful smell that emanates during production and threatens to give away their location to law enforcement. These labs also cause environmental pollution and are a fire hazard. But since meth labs are a lucrative business, several drug cartels continue to utilize meth labs in the area.
For information concerning methamphetamine addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit
Club Drugs and New Hampshire Drug Rehab
Club drugs, or synthetic drugs, are known for their hallucinogenic and psychedelic properties. These drugs consist of the following: gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (commonly known as GHB), phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (commonly known as PCP), d-lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD), Ketamine (commonly known as Special K), and MDMA (which is the active ingredient in Ecstasy).
The majority of colleges and universities have a moderate supply of club drugs. The club drug trade is basically controlled by Asian gangs in this area. These drugs are smuggled in from New York, California, Texas, and across the border from Canada.
Pharmaceutical Diversion
The abuse of prescription drugs is on the rise in the State of New Hampshire. The most abused drug is Oxycotin; other commonly abused pharmaceutical drugs include Hydrocodone, Methadone, Diazepam, Lortab, and Xanax.
The pharmaceutical drugs are obtained by forged prescriptions, patients getting prescriptions from more than one doctor (referred to as doctor shopping), pharmacy break-ins, and from the internet. Another source of pharmaceutical drugs is from pain management clinics located in all the major cities which prescribe narcotics to addicts. In addition, drugs are brought into the area from cities along the southwest border and Mexico.
For information concerning prescription drug addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs: 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit
Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana is readily available throughout the State of New Hampshire due to its growth in rural areas of the state, as well as indoor grow houses. Locally grown marijuana is potent and increasing in shipment from Colorado and Illinois. Marijuana is also smuggled in from the southern states. The majority of the marijuana trade in this area is controlled by Mexicans and migrant Hispanic workers.
For information concerning marijuana addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit
Alcohol Rehab New Hampshire and Drug Treatment New Hampshire Information
If you have questions about drug or alcohol rehab in New Hampshire, please contact the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center.
Alcohol Rehab New Hampshire and Drug Treatment New Hampshire by City:
- Amherst – 03031
- Andover – 03216
- Bath – 03740
- Bennington – 03442
- Candia – 03034
- Concord – 03301, 03302, 03303, 03305
- Derry – 03038
- Dover – 03820, 03821, 03822
- East Hampstead – 03826
- East Wakefield – 03830
- Exeter – 03833
- Farmington – 03835
- Gilmanton – 03237
- Grafton – 03240
- Hampstead – 03841
- Hampton – 03842, 03843
- Hollis – 03049
- Jefferson – 03583
- Keene – 03431, 03435
- Laconia – 03246, 03247
- Litchfield – 03052
- Loudon – 03307
- Lyme – 03768
- Manchester – 03101, 03102, 03103, 03104, 03105, 03107, 03108, 03109
- Merrimack – 03054
- Nashua – 03060, 03061, 03062, 03063, 03064
- New London – 03257
- North Walpole – 03609
- Ossipee – 03864
- Portsmouth – 00210, 00211, 00212, 00213, 00214, 00215, 03801, 03802, 03803, 03804
- Rochester – 03839, 03866, 03867, 03868
- Rollinsford – 03805, 03869
- Seabrook – 03874
- Somersworth – 03878
- Tilton – 03276, 03298, 03299
- Union – 03887
- Waterville Valley – 03215
- West Peterborough – 03468
- Wolfeboro Falls – 03896
Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at for assistance and allow us to locate a rehabilitation program that will make a difference in your life.
Drug and Alcohol treatment Center Information
We will teach you how to find recovery from the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction. We are here to help you get sober and stay sober.
Drug Abuse and Alcoholism are diseases that affect every city, town and county in America; it affects teens, adults, males, females, and families. Alcohol and drug treatment can save your life!
The Addiction Recovery Center can help you with:
- Alcohol Addiction
- Drug Abuse
- Alcohol Treatment
- Alcohol Detox
- Alcohol Rehab
- Alcoholism
- Drug Addiction
- Drug Rehab
- Drug Addiction Treatment
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Drug Detox
- Teen drug Abuse
- Co-Occurring disorder treatment
- Dual Diagnosis
- Opiates Detox
- Prescription Drug Abuse