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#MondayMotivation: Believe In Miracles | Weekly Meditation

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“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do your fears.” – Richard Wilkins.

Believe In Miracles

An addict/alcoholic in the rooms of recovery staying clean and sober is a miracle. Those who feel they cannot get clean and sober will find that hope and healing when they talk, listen, and take direction from another addict or alcoholic. This is how it works. This is how we recover and stay recovered. This is how we spread miracles.

Other miracles also happen in recovery when we utilize the program of recovery and reach out to our higher power. We find all sorts of solutions to problems that once plagued us. We find courage, strength, and hope. This is our experience.

You may feel at times like the world has pushed you down too much, or that you can’t handle life on life’s terms, but you are wrong, you can and you will. You will because starting right now you are going to feed your faith more than you are going to feed your fears. You can’t experience a miracle if you don’t have your eyes, mind, and heart open to see it and accept it.

Just for today, I am going to believe in miracles.

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