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krocodil Archive
Kratom: Appearing In An E.R. Near You
Posted on March 26, 2012 | 3 CommentsAs if there isn’t enough to worry about with bath salts, and K2, and even household spices such as nutmeg. Now there is Kratom. A plant from Thailand that is widely used… -
Reefer Madness-The Problem With Synthetic Marijuana
Posted on March 22, 2012 | No CommentsSince the year 2006, synthetic marijuana has been slowly growing in popularity. It is commonly marketed under names like K2, Spice, Black Mamba, Blaze, and Red X Dawn. It was… -
Krocodil: A Dangerous Epidemic
Posted on February 17, 2012 | No CommentsThere are a lot of hot designer drugs on the streets today, each one wreaking havoc on the lives of those addicted to them. Although drugs ruin lives indiscriminately, there… -
Designer Drug Krokodil, Kills at a Faster Rate
Posted on December 27, 2011 | 39 CommentsRussian Designer Drug “Krokodil” Gains Attention of Junkies, Law Enforcement The landscape of drug trafficking and abuse is shifting noticeably as new and even more dangerous drugs are introduced to…