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The Addiction Recovery Center: Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are similar to drug addiction, and many people suffer from both. Like drug addiction, eating disorders are characterized by extreme disturbances in eating patterns. An individual may be suffering from an eating disorder when their relationship with food and eating includes compulsive, emotional and destructive behaviors.

Anorexia, bulemia or compulsive overeating may be an expression of something that the suffering individual has found no other way of expressing or dealing with. A person with an eating disorder obsesses over their intake of food to gain some kind of control in their life. Like drugs and alcohol, individuals suffering from eating disorders use them to block unwanted feelings and traumatic events.

An eating disorder can be considered a survival mechanism. Individuals suffering from eating disorders usually have problems associated with depression, low self esteem, identity concerns, overwhelming feelings of worthlessness, inability to cope with emotions, control issues, and family communication problems. Eating disorders are extremely dangerous, and can even be fatal.

Treating eating disorders involves understanding the complicated nature of the problem while offering solutions with physical, psychological, social, and spiritual changes through addiction rehab. The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs provides a high level of care with a supportive environment to recover from any addictive disease. We treat eating disorders as they occur with dual-diagnosis disorders and drug addiction.

We can help you or your loved one with any addiction. Just call our 24-Hour Addiction Helpline at 1-888-510-2481.

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What a Patient Said
“Without a doubt The Addiction Recovery Center was the most thorough and professional rehab I have ever seen. I have suffered through many horrible and painful detoxes. The Doctors used a ten day methadone taper and by the second day I was eating full meals and attending group.

My transition off of methadone was barely noticeable. I feel this is very important as it allows the patient to work on their recovery much sooner. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Because so many of them were in recovery themselves, their empathy gave them great insight to our problems. I especially liked it when a staff member would speak before the group.” —Tim—
Chemical Dependency
Chemical dependency comes in various forms and can affect anyone at any age. The Addiction Recovery Center is a world- class drug rehab center; offering treatment for substance abuse. As a state licensed treatment facility with qualified professionals; we will provide you with the help and support you need to restart your life.

Our center is dedicated to providing you a therapeutic environment that meets your individual needs. We promise to care for you and treat you with dignity as you heal your heart, mind and soul. Our facilities offer the level of treatment necessary to treat your dependency. These levels of treatment include: