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Colorado CO Drug Rehab

Programs Medical Detoxification Inpatient Rehabilitation Residential Rehabilitation Partial Hospitalization Intensive Outpatient Halfway House
Individualized Programs Dual Diagnosis Women’s Program Men’s Program Young Adults Professionals Family Outreach

CO Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Colorado

CO Drug Rehab

There are several rehabilitation programs in the State of Colorado which provide services for addicted adults and adolescents dealing with heroin, cocaine, club drugs, methamphetamine, and prescription drug addiction. Mexican poly-drug trafficking organizations control most of the methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and heroin distribution in the area. The majority of club drug distribution is conducted by independent traffickers and loosely-knit organizations with domestic and international sources of supply. Asian groups, some with ties to Canada, have been increasingly active in the distribution of club drugs and marijuana. Dealers with ties to larger criminal organizations in Texas, California, Oregon, Nevada, and Mexico are involved in all types of drug distribution throughout the area.

Colorado Drug Rehab Programs

It is strongly recommended that individuals seeking to end their addiction to drugs undergo a medically supervised detox treatment conducted by specialized medical and psychiatric professionals before the treatment for the actual addiction starts. It is also extremely important that the needs of the person match the addiction treatment service being offered in order to achieve the best results; therefore, research needs to be done in order to choose the correct rehab program to meet the needs of an addict.

Drug rehabilitation centers in the State of Colorado share many of the same visions and philosophies of service, but they do vary in services offered. Some Colorado addiction treatment programs will offer a detox program; the purpose of which is to purge the patient’s system of the drug prior to the treatment for the addiction. Not every rehab center has on-site detox programs, nor does every rehab center offer trauma treatment or dual diagnosis. Some rehabilitation centers offer the traditional 14 to 28 day course of treatment; however, other centers offer an extended or more intensive program. Knowing the treatment service offered by a rehab center is important because this can cause a significant difference in the person’s addiction treatment and the effectiveness of the treatment in addition to time and cost. It is important to discuss all aspects of a treatment program with the staff at the rehab center.

It is important to find the best rehabilitation program that fits your needs. If you have questions or trouble making a decision about the drug rehabilitation program best suited for you, please contact The Addiction Recovery Center. With our staff’s vast knowledge of addiction treatment services, you will feel more comfortable with your choice. Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at for assistance and allow us locate a rehabilitation program that will make a difference in your life.

Alcohol Rehab Colorado

Alcohol abuse, or alcoholism, is a physical addiction that affects an individual’s mind, body, and spirit. Alcoholism can rob an individual of their health, family, finances, career, friends, and even their life.

Since alcohol is physically addictive, it is important for an individual wishing to end their addiction to do so under proper medical supervision in order to prevent dangerous health repercussions.

It is important to find the best rehabilitation program that fits your needs. If you have questions or trouble making a decision about the alcohol rehabilitation program for you, please contact The Addiction Recovery Center. Our staff is experienced in matching your needs with the best rehab program for you. Call our toll free addiction helpline NOW at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit us at

Cocaine Addiction and Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The State of Colorado is no different from the majority of other states when it comes to the number of individuals addicted to cocaine or crack cocaine. Law enforcement data reflects a steady supply of this drug coming in and through the area. Crack is available in the larger metropolitan areas of Colorado. Cocaine distribution is controlled by Mexican poly-drug trafficking organizations. This drug is brought into the area from Florida, New York, southwestern Border States and Mexico.

For information concerning cocaine addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) for help or visit us at

Heroin Addiction and Heroin Addiction Treatment

Mexican black tar heroin is the predominant type of this drug that is used and abused in the State of Colorado and is primarily available in the major metropolitan areas. Mexican brown heroin is also present in the area but to a lesser degree. Law enforcement and treatment data indicators suggest that the availability and use of heroin may be on the rise in the area. Cocaine distribution is controlled by Mexican poly-drug trafficking organizations and brought into the area from New Jersey and Florida.

For information concerning heroin addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit

Methamphetamine Addiction and Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment

As with other states, the State of Colorado is dealing with users and abusers of methamphetamine and crystal meth. Most of the meth available is brought into the area from Mexico, though local meth labs do exist in the State. In recent years, the potency of meth produced in Mexico has risen to levels comparable to that made in smaller, local meth labs. The local meth labs still exist, though they have diminished in number and remain problematic to area law enforcement.

For information concerning methamphetamine addiction in Colorado, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit

Ecstasy Addiction and Ecstasy Addiction Treatment

The State of Colorado is also dealing with the use and abuse of party drugs. Ecstasy falls in the category of substances known as party drugs, or synthetic drugs, known for their hallucinogenic and psychedelic properties. Law enforcement data indicates violence, pornography, and prostitution often accompany the party drug trade.

MDMA, which is the active ingredient in Ecstasy, is generally is distributed by independent traffickers or loosely-knit organizations with both domestic and foreign sources of supply. Asian gangs play a significant role in club drug distribution. In addition to MDMA, gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (commonly known as GHB), d-lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD), and Ketamine (commonly known as Special K) are found in the area.

For information concerning party drug addiction treatment and finding the right drug rehab facility for you, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit

Prescription Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

The abuse of prescription drugs is on the rise in the State of Colorado. There are numerous reasons why and how people become involved in drugs, many times prescriptions are legitimately written for an individual to alleviate the pain of chronic injury or illness and the individual inadvertently becomes addicted.

Current data indicates the hydrocodone products such as Vicodin; oxycodone products (such as brand name and generic OxyContin), Benzodiazepines (such as Xanax and Valium), Methadone, MS Contin, Darvon, and Darvocet are the most commonly abused and diverted pharmaceuticals in Colorado.

The pharmaceutical drugs are obtained by forged prescriptions; patients getting prescriptions from more than one doctor (referred to as “doctor shopping”); pharmacy break-ins; and from the internet. Another source of pharmaceutical drugs is from pain management clinics located in all the major cities which prescribe narcotics to addicts.

The prescription drugs listed above are mentally and physically addicting. When an individual that is addicted to prescription drugs makes the decision to end their addiction, it is important that they seek professional medical assistance and undergo a detox treatment which purges the patient’s system of the drug. A detox program managed by professional medical personnel can help manage the painful and potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

For information concerning prescription drug addiction in Colorado, call the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) or visit

Alcohol Rehabilitation Program and Drug Treatment Colorado

If you have questions about the drug rehabilitation programs, alcohol rehabilitation programs, cocaine addiction treatment, heroin addiction treatment, methamphetamine addiction treatment, party drug addiction treatment, marijuana addiction treatment, or prescription drug addiction in Colorado, please contact the professionals at The Addiction Recovery Center at 1-888-510-2481 (staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week) for help or visit It is extremely important that the needs of the person match the addiction treatment service being offered in order to achieve the best results.