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Alcohol and Drug Treatment Archive
Four Loko Alcoholic Energy Drinks: College Student Blackout Binge Drinking
Posted on March 13, 2012 | No CommentsFour Loko is a beverage that is being marketed around the country as an alcoholic energy drink. Even if you set aside the contradictory effects of consuming a depressant laced… -
Stop BCBS of FL from Discriminating against Mental Health Patients & Addicts
Posted on March 6, 2012 | 2 CommentsDo you suffer from addiction? Does someone you care about suffer from the disease of addiction? What if you or your loved one couldn’t get treatment because an insurance company didn’t think it was… -
Announcing The New Watershed Recovery Channel on YouTube
Posted on February 29, 2012 | No CommentsWe are happy to announce our new video series on addiction, recovery, and the Watershed on YouTube. Watch For Those You Love, where Ashley shares how the demons of addiction… -
War On Drugs Failed: Fuels International Drug Legalization Debate
Posted on June 5, 2011 | No CommentsWar On Drugs is a failure In the early 1970’s, Nixon officially declared the “War on Drugs”, identifying drug abuse as “Public Enemy Number One.” Forty years later, The Global…