Recognition: Affiliations
Patient Concern Line: 1-877-972-2734
The Joint Commission and the Gold Seal of Approval
Core Goal: To continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.
The Joint Commission is the oldest and largest accrediting body in United States health care, with the most rigorous standards in the industry. Earning The Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval is a widely recognized symbol of quality that reflects commitment to meeting industry performance standards.
The Addiction Recovery Center encourages any interested party to make direct contact with our Director of Quality Improvement at 1-877-972-2734. WFe sincerely appreciate any and all feedback from anyone who has any concerns about patient care, safety, or any of the practices and procedures here at our facility.
Click here > to contact us via email.
If for some reason, you feel your issue was not addressed satisfactorily, we encourage you to contact The Joint Commission directly. For your convenience, here is a link The Joint Commissions website.
Click here >The Joint Commission.
National Affiliations
ASAM: American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
Core Goal: To improve the care and treatment of people with the disease of addiction and advance the practice of Addiction Medicine.
NAADAC: National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors
Core Goal: To lead, unify, and empower addiction focused professionals to achieve excellence through education, advocacy, knowledge, standards of practice, ethics, professional development and research.”
NAATP: National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
Core Goal: To promote, assist and enhance the delivery of ethical, effective, research-based treatment for alcoholism and other drug addictions.
NIDA: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Core Goal: To lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
Local Affiliations
FLDCF: Florida Department of Children and Families
Core Goal: The development of a comprehensive system of prevention, emergency/detoxification, and treatment services for individuals and families at risk of or affected by substance abuse; to promote their safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency.
FADAA: Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association
Core Goal: To represent its members in advancing addiction treatment, prevention and research through public policy leadership, communications, professional development and quality member services.
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The Addiction Recovery Center Addiction Treatment Programs are “Gold Seal” accredited through The Joint Commission. The Addiction Recovery Center is licensed by The State of Florida (FL) Department of Children and Families to perform addiction and substance abuse detoxification for alcohol addiction, drug addiction, drug treatment, alcohol rehabilitation, and drug rehab levels of treatment with intensive inpatient residential drug and alcohol rehab, as well as prevention services.
Drug Addiction Treatment
As a patient, our team of qualified professionals will help you with your personal recovery plan that is based on the proven methods of medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy; combined with the time tested 12-Step program of AA and NA.
You will receive intensive structured care with the proper support system in place to ensure a successful recovery. You will be introduced to a 12-step fellowship and can attend daily 12-step support group meeting in house and within the community. We promise to care for you and treat you with dignity as you heal your heart, mind and soul.